3 Fastest Ways To Get Traffic To Any Website

                   3 Fastest Ways To Get Traffic To Any Website


After all the debate over website design, shopping carts 
and credit card processors, every website owner eventually 
comes to the startling realization that they need one more 
thing to survive - website traffic! 

Without website traffic it's the same as building an 
expensive billboard and, instead of placing it alongside a 
busy highway, hiding it in your *basement* where nobody can 
see it. 

Upon realizing they need traffic, most website owners run 
out and start blowing chunks of money and time trying to 
get "hits," but they fail to grasp that there are really 
only three (3) reliable ways to get traffic to any website. 

Method #1 - Buy Traffic 
Currently, the fastest way to get traffic to any website 
involves using the little classified ads on the right side 
of search giant Google's results pages. 

Called Google AdWords, the system allows any advertiser to 
open an account with a $5 activation fee and start seeing 
their ads appear on Google within about 15 minutes. 

Advertisers only pay when visitors actually click through 
from their ad on Google to their website or affiliate link. 

Overture.com also sells traffic by the click, but they make 
you wait three to five days to go through their editorial 
review process before allowing ads to appear on their 

You can also buy advertising on dozens of other pay-per- 
click search engines. 

They all follow the same basic model of only charging 
advertisers for targeted visitors who read an ad based on a 
keyword search and decide to click through for more 

Log on to www.payperclicksearchengines.com for a list of 
over 600 choices ranked by market penetration. 

A word to the wise on pay-per-click advertising: Watch your 
costs and track and measure everything. Even though you can 
get traffic for as little as a penny, you should track your 
results by search engine and by individual keyword if you 
want maximum success. 

Many a company has lost its entire advertising budget 
paying only a nickel or a dime per click, but not watching 
their conversion rates and pouring money into keywords that 
don't convert... while neglecting the keywords that do 
bring sales (mainly because they don't know which is 

Method #2 - Borrow Traffic 
If you need traffic to a website, then borrow it from 
people who already have it... especially people with lists 
of loyal subscribers or traffic from search engines, 
affiliates, or other steady sources. 

"Endorsed Mailings" and "Reciprocal Linking" by other 
people represent the two fastest ways to borrow someone 
else's traffic. 

If they maintain a list of subscribers, convince them to 
send an email out to their people telling them why they 
should check out your site. 

Also, negotiate a prominent link on their web pages to 
siphon off targeted visitors who find their website. 

Often the best way to persuade someone to do this involves 
paying them a commission, agreeing to do a similar mailing, 
or providing a link to them on your site (or a combination 
of all three). 

Imagine how much traffic you could get if someone with a 
list of 10,000 loyal subscribers told their people to go 
look at your website! 

Method #3 Recycle Traffic 
The most economical way to get traffic involves turning 
one-time visitors into regular, repeat visitors that you 
direct to multiple sites over time. 

You do this by pulling website visitors into your sphere of 
influence by enticing them to sign up for your newsletter, 
autoresponder sequence, or "mini-course." 

Then you keep in contact with regular articles, special 
reports, and recommendations enticing them to visit your 
own and other people's websites. 

Ultimately, every website owner should orient all of their 
marketing efforts towards this end of developing a stream 
of recycled traffic, because it costs the least and creates 
the best return on time and money invested. 

It doesn't matter if you promote your own product, promote 
only as an affiliate, or some combination of the two... if 
you don't recycle traffic and get more than one hit out of 
each visitor, you're making one of the biggest mistakes 
anyone can make online. 

About the author:
Jim Edwards is a syndicated newspaper columnist and the 
co-author of an amazing new ebook that will teach you how 
to use free articles to quickly drive thousands of targeted 
visitors to your website or affiliate links... 

Simple "Traffic Machine" brings Thousands of NEW visitors to 
your website for weeks, even months... without spending a 
dime on advertising! ==> http://www.turnwordsintotraffic.com

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