Unified Color HDR Express (x86 - x64)

Unified Color HDR Express

HDR Express gives you the critically acclaimed power of HDR Expose with a fast, intuitive interface.

You get all the controls and presets you need to create realistic or stylized HDR photos in the blink of an eye.

And, HDR Express is based on Unified Color’s Beyond RGB color space to eliminate color shifts when you edit.

Less is More.
Often photographers new to HDR can become overwhelmed with the technicalities involved with achieving a successful workflow.

The process of shooting multiple exposures, merging files and then adjusting various parameters can sometimes be intimidating. HDR Express cuts right to the results.

A new streamlined User Interface demystifies the process for producing stunning HDR images, allowing entry-level users to easily achieve pro results. A set of simple adjustment sliders fine-tunes numerous parameters including exposure, contrast & highlight recovery. An interactive HDR Histogram with digital read-out also allows users to track brightness levels with ease.

Simple tools. Swift results. There’s a reason it’s called HDR ‘Express’.

Customize Your Toolbox.
Achieving the perfect blend of adjustments to create stunning HDR images traditionally takes formidable experience. The dramatic range of possibilities can confuse users who are new to producing HDR photos. But every great chef has secret recipes.

With HDR Express, there’s only so much trial and error necessary to cook up stunning HDR photos. When you’ve found the settings that work best for your style, simply save it in your toolbox for future editing. It’s the easiest way to maintain a consistent HDR workflow.

One-click HDR.
When you’re looking for a particular photographic style, artistic pre-sets can accelerate the process. HDR Express comes equipped with 5 popular pre-sets to achieve one-click HDR results. Choose from a range of eclectic styles to instantly achieve the HDR effect.

Simplified workflow.
Same super power.
With all its simplified features, HDR Express runs on an extremely powerful engine.

The profound technological prowess evident in all Unified Color products remains in HDR Express.

The program is derived from the same innovative 32-bit Beyond RGB™ color technology as HDR Expose and 32 Float.

In order to swiftly operate this level of processing, data is fit into a 16-bit display window for editing but is still a 32-bit file until saved as a TIFF or JPEG.

What does this mean for users? Get True Color HDR.

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